Call for Beta Testers

It’s been nearly a year since the release of the original Zombie Outbreak Simulator in late November last year, and about 7 months since we released Class 3 Outbreak (C3O) in April this year.

The original version of C3O included two maps, in Washington DC and Leicester England, covering a total area of around 1.25 square kilometres. We figured that the other 150 million square kilometres of land on Earth deserved to experience a zombie apocalypse too!

So since the last release we’ve started work on a new version of C3O. This version includes an editor, which lets you choose anywhere in the world (where the Google Maps® image quality is good enough), draw in the locations of walls, buildings, trees etc, and then send in the zombies. So you can watch as zombies take over your house, work, school, wherever!

Here is what the editor currently looks like:

Class 3 Outbreak Editor

Once you’ve edited a map, you can click Publish and your map becomes available as a marker on the home page, for anyone to play:

Class 3 Outbreak Home Page

Click a marker, and you’ve got instant zombie mayhem:

Zombie Outbreak Simulator on new Class 3 Outbreak map

After several months of development we’re now at the stage where we are ready to start closed beta testing. So we’re putting out a call for beta testers!

The current version is a very early release – there’s still plenty more for us to do during the beta testing phase, before we’re ready for a public release. Also, this version can currently only play the Zombie Outbreak Simulator on custom maps. We will be adding the ability to play games like C3O, and lots more game features, soon.

If you would like to be part of the beta, send us your email address via our contact page, and we’ll send you details on how to log in. You can also keep an eye on our forums, for updates on our progress.

Jay and I are looking forward to seeing what kinds of maps you build!



  1. angelo says:

    heck ya

  2. Colby says:

    Epic! Pick me!

  3. Tyler says:

    i will be interested in this so i wanted to know if i can test this

  4. Alex Olszowy says:

    I’ve made one map so far. I’m working on map as we speak based in california el cajon on a trailer park.

  5. Andy Meers says:

    Hoping to beta test new feature

  6. John says:

    Wow, great job man

  7. Ben Lardner says:

    Hey guys. I have to say your game is great! It’s truely pic and I’m up every night playing it. I would just like to say I think you should put in more playable features in the new games you make (if you do). the 2 things in mind are Barracades, and resources. I don’t think you will read this but if you do I hope my comment helped. you guys are great

    From Ben (AKA ElectroWolf)

  8. Florian says:

    I would like to be Beta – Tester.

  9. Colby says:

    Grats! It works perfectly!
    I already made a map in Hobart.

  10. Ben Bonin says:

    i want to be part of the beta please let e in

  11. callum says:

    choose me plz

  12. Dallas says:

    Man this looks so kewl spelled k-u-w-l oh wait aw thats a fail still looks awesome

  13. Jonas Johansson says:

    hi i want to try the editor on a sweden outbrake

  14. Luke Patay says:

    please pick meh :c

  15. BountyHunter7 says:

    i guess i’ll beta test, seeing as i still play both of them now

  16. Hammie says:


    this is so so so so awsome. please please sign me up please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. James says:

    Wow that looks great….I’d love to test it

  18. Fabio says:

    I’d like to create some maps, can I have the editor? thanks a lot guys! :D

  19. feli says:

    Uh, I want! I LOVE zombies!

  20. Jacob says:

    wooooo! this is great time to usemy house as a base fort :D but seriously this make me realy happy that work is still being done on this game and the developers are listening to the fans suggestions. keep it up!

  21. Javier says:

    please accept me!
    i’m late? D:

  22. Zane says:

    hey thx for picking me
    i have made a couple maps so far and its awesome
    keep up the good work

  23. austin says:

    i love this game and would lov to beta test

  24. Colby says:

    will you be able to obtain high resolusion imagery in other places? I cant use my house in a map…. :(

    • Jay says:

      Bummer your house isn’t available! Its up to Google, even if you could ask them to photograph your neighborhood I imagine the cost would be more than a few dollars!

      I’d suggest if you can’t get your house, try other houses you’ve lived in, friends houses, your work, school, places you’ve traveled, etc.

  25. dylan says:

    I’ll do it. I’m a huge fan of your games and give good feedback but is it too late too join?

  26. angelo says:

    not to rush a awsome developer how long till c3o has it cause its awsome.

  27. Hawshire says:

    Pick me! I sent an email request, I want to test the beta as well!

  28. Nate says:

    The editor looks really fun to work with. is it, besides the fact that you have to do every house, tree, and car in a certain area?

    • Jay says:

      Well, its easy to use and it can be fun to do maps of areas you know well. It can also take a while, so there’s a bit of work and repetition involved. Some people have said they really enjoy it though, it’s probably a bit of personal preference :)

  29. pvt900 says:

    Good Good Add Military For Certain Maps Areas cause i got 2-3 that if only the Radiation or military wouldnt black out

    They are, Area 51,Chernobyl, And Moscow Cause
    Russias got enough radiation to black out the satelitle so no maps in Russia and Area 51 has a black out since its a Military Compound IN use

  30. Colby says:

    Jay, I live in Tasmania. (On the Northen Coast! So I probably won’t get any high def pictures.) Thanks anyway! :)

  31. connor says:

    hello how do we get in to test this ?

  32. Deano says:

    i would love to have a crack at being a beta tester for this, mostly to see what it would look like to see the place i live in overun with zombz, but also cuz it would be cool to be able to be part of the team testing this badboy of a game out, as i can see this one on the up n up! its greatly addictive, and has got alot of potential to just keep getting better, it could be like command and conquer but with zombies!!

  33. rex says:

    NICE! i discovered your game the other day, and i loved it!
    i was thinking it would be great if all the cities in the world could have this! and i knew it would be a massive task for one company to do so. but you thought up a solution, anyone can, and that’s great! I’m definitely gonna do my hometown and make sure all my mates play it!

  34. Rich says:

    Definitely will beta test great game if you want me to!
    Also are you going to implement Army reserves; National Guard, Territorial Army?

  35. Sloth says:

    This, sounds awesome.

  36. wess says:

    i want to try out different maps so much this is so much fun and if only you could have tanks and soldiers not just police it would be even better in a sandbox mode

  37. Buzz Ineau says:

    Hellz yeaa!

  38. LEWIS667 says:

    Hey i would really like to be a beta tester for your game and would love just to help out please can i be a tester your game is the best ever.

  39. John says:

    sound like a good idea to me i have been playing since the orginal release it would be an honor if you selected me

  40. Porter Behling says:

    OMG! This looks so awesome! I’ve been wondering what you guys were up to ;)

    Please, if you need BETA testers, i’m your guy.

    But if not, thats okay. Still pretty damn cool. Can’t wait till I play it

  41. adsf says:

    i think it would be asome to test a beta i’ve been a fan from the begining so ya

  42. A Zombaholic says:

    I would LOVE to beta this as im sure anyone would love to hold off from zombies in there own homes! how do i get in?

  43. pancakez says:

    choose me as a beta tester ill make loads of maps.

    and just for help you could make a thing on map chooser like game made maps and player made maps because i read that you can play other peoples maps and that would fill up every where you wouldn’t be able to click on the one you wanted.

  44. gardar says:

    pick me to beta test plz i love zombies i have played a your zombie games seen all goerge romero zombie movies

  45. Jayden says:

    I putting my hand up for the beta

  46. DannyDaNinja says:

    This is an awesome idea, I actually also make flash games and I excel in level design, so please allow to to make some awesome maps! I would love to join the Beta! :D

  47. Ethan says:

    Beta testing please.

  48. brandon says:

    ill test

  49. Josiah says:

    I’d like to volunteer for Beta testing!
    I enjoyed your previous games.

    I’m good with maps and geography. Would look forward to playing with your editor.

  50. Zach McBride says:

    Hey if you want ill help you guys out i loved your games. and i love ur work so im in

  51. Alex says:

    I want to get in the beta, i really was looking all over this for the internet, i also tried making a simulator like this in LBP but failed. It be great if you can add New York. Keep it up, you guys are good!

  52. malachi says:

    looks cool i would love to build my own city and then watch everybody get eaten

  53. tristan says:

    sign me up !

  54. Bruce says:

    I love this game and to be a beta tester would be a huge honor.

  55. Jere99 says:

    Hi ppl… so i want to be an beta tester i really want… i love this simulation/game so much so thats why i want to be a beta-tester

  56. Chris says:

    Hell yes I would love to be apart of the testing, I don’t know if we get to give our take and what we think. Either way I love C3O it just to fun to pass up.

  57. John says:

    Hello. I hope I get to be chosen as a Beta tester. I believe a Philadelphia outbreak would be nice :)

  58. wesley says:

    I think it’s great you made a map creator, and i would like to test it.

    What do i have to do to be a betatester?

  59. Jacob says:

    hey, you guys probably wont see my comment but if you do i would like to become a beta tester and not to mention i love the outbreak games! they are very cool with the graphics, houses, zombies, etc.

  60. Dos says:

    thanks for lettin me be a tester, lets hope more people get more maps made, cuz ive got mouse cramp already, n only been workin on the one so far, so lets spread this game to as many people as we can, and let it be as contagious as the virus its about eh. will be publishing soon, once me hand stops knackin, so keep ya eyes open for me map in byker, of newcastle-upon-tyne, in england, i picked it cuz its like a maze round there, plus i used to live there, soz, i ramble alot, thanks again guys

  61. Dan says:

    Ive made a few games before, but this would be the best game to even beta test

  62. Roderic says:

    Hey I want to try out beta testing it will be my first time . I love games.

  63. Phillips says:

    Nice 1

  64. pvt900 says:

    Lol, Its Fun, But 1 Thing make a Auto MAker addon aka that adds the basic lines and walls cause it takes maybe 8-10 Hours for a Really large map to be fully blocked and coded

  65. pvt900 says:

    Can, i have another beta code my other 1 was in my email and i forgot to put it into drafts for saving and it got deleted when i had 300+ mails……….

    Its Very good from what i played so far but for a tip pre-make major cities of countries ahead of time

  66. David (satarecah) says:

    I love the game its great :)

  67. HuangHe says:

    This game is great been playing it for the past few months and I would like to be a beta tester myself aswell if this still can and I want to make maps to or try atleast

  68. Teriq Herring says:

    pick me
    plz i played every zombie outbreak game

  69. John says:

    Sure, I’ll do it. Better than be the ones who play the finished work

  70. Alfie says:

    Pick me!!!!! i lovez zombies

  71. Nick Barron says:

    Hey add me too. Er is it a must to use the avaiable maps or i can just play using my own? I wanna try

  72. Zak Confino says:

    Hey ive been playin your game for a while and its great fun but i would love to help you guys improve upon it. I have some great ideas and hope i can help :D

  73. chazeal says:

    I notice the road tool doesnt have a highlight and that makes it confusing to know where you put it, could you add a grey highlight for it?

  74. zach brody says:

    plz pick me

  75. stefen says:

    i honestly cant wait for this new feature. i would realy like to earn the right to test the interface. I cant wait to hear your response.

  76. Oxyknight says:

    road is clear and is everywhere when you start a new map chazael

  77. Mo Diddly says:

    If y’all are still sending out beta invites can I get on of them?

  78. ColeM says:

    hey I am intrested if youwant a look from some one from a younger age pick me

  79. Ruben says:

    Woooh awesome! i really want to beta test it! pleeaase :D

  80. kaiobb says:

    yea you shod put eqitment,gun shop,hard wear lick can saws,sleag hamars anddinamite cu

    by the way i cant go in the game it sats put the game key i dont now what that is

  81. kaiobb says:

    yea hi in kaio and i dont now how to play the new game i made a acount and it asks me for a key?? so can you healp me ill come bake in 5 mins

  82. kaiobb says:

    hi by the way i dont now my hotmail only my face book sorry

  83. Cameron Tracy says:

    SIGN ME UP!! This sounds awesome! I would love to do this!

  84. Cole says:

    hey I would like to beta test is there any way I can help

  85. pailo says:

    I would like test this!!

  86. Dame says:

    I’d love to be a beta tester

  87. pvt900 says:

    Can I help with this Beta Testing, I loved C3 Outbreak and This Betas Predecessor. I could
    probally take some time to make a map or 2

  88. pvt900 says:

    Also, Sorry to Double post but My EMail get Lots of Junk so if i don’t Respond to any of you Email it got lost. DOnt have alot of time to check the emails i empty it atleast 1-2 a Day.

  89. ellis says:

    Friggen awsome keep it up and wanna be a beta tester and can’t wait for it to be released

  90. Killerpope says:

    Darn missed the sign up times. DARN YOU WARCRAFt 3 MAKING ME FORGET ABOUT THE GREATEST THING EVER ZOMBIES ( Makn Mah Forot Bout teh Gretest Thong Evar Zombehs! – Translated into Nub Leet )

    If you are still taking beta testers i would be glad to help im even righting a short novel because of the Class 3 Outbreak game ^_^

  91. petso66 says:

    It’s been a while, when will it come out D:? I LOVE your games

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